Prof. Dr. Valeriu V. Cotea Masterclass: From special technologies to special wines

Prof. Dr. Valeriu V. Cotea Masterclass: From special technologies to special wines

We invite you to foray in the world of special wines where you can find liqueur wines, dessert wines, port wines, sherry and marsala.

Valeriu V. Cotea is a professor at the University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine in Iasi and from 2003 president of the National Vine and Wine Employers. During 2001-2007 Professor Valeriu V. Cotea was the chairman of the expert group "International Code of oenological practices" and in 2007 the chairman of the expert group that develops international oenological Codex.

Valeriu V. Cotea was elected Chairman of the Oenology for OIV for the period 2012-2015.