Sensorial examination, blind tasting, evaluating and giving scores to a series of wine samples, in an organized environment that respects the pre-established rules of an international jury. A professional wine tasting, new for the WineUp Fair
Cork versus screw cap, alternatives: vinolok? A subject that is at least interesting and causing a lot of of debates, reactions, various opinions, studies and statistics. The second masterclass of the WineUp Fair in Transylvania that we officially announc
Crafting and Selling a successful wine list: a subject of great interest, suggested and presented in the masterclass by Adam Pawlowski MS. It is tackled from two perspectives: a specialized one that concerns the professionals from the HoReCa industry
La prima ediție a Wine-Up Fair in Transylvania am înțeles că ideea noastră, așa cum am gândit-o și cum am pus-o în mișcare era de mult timp așteptată, atât în Cluj, cât și la nivel național. Conceptul nostru
"Medline is a leading company in the field of Facility Management, one of the most important companies, recognized and appreciated in this sector. Our presence in the ranking leaders nationally and regionally in Romania motivates us to be each day better,
The list of exhibitors is completed with the best producers in Romania, you can discover new wines and wineries premiere in the WINEUP® HoReCa ranges of manufacturers and importers. Please visit the wine tasting booths, to make your own favorite wine
"Rondo Ganahl Aktiengesellschaft Company is an Austrian family tradition company, founded in 1797.Honesty, long-term thinking and responsible use of resources helps us build lasting relationships with customers, employees and suppliers. Our simple organiz
Winebook is a virtual journal through which wine lovers will note and appreciate wines present at the fair and subsequently to other wine events. Test the event demo by scanning the QR code below WINEBOOK - virtual tasting Journal Download the applicat
The wine stories and people stories are translated in all languages of the earth. Best Trad means professional translation, interpreting and the entire logistics for conferences and other corporate events. We strive to fully thank all our clients. We of